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NO MORE GAMES. IT'S TIME FOR THE TRUTH. Neil Strauss made a name for himself advocating freedom, sex and opportunity as the author of The Game. Then he met the woman who forced him to question everything. Neil's search for answers took him from Viagra-laden free-love orgies to sex addiction clinics, from cutting-edge science labs to modern-day harems, and, most terrifying of all, to his own mother. What he discovered changed everything he knew about love, sex, relationships and, ultimately, himself. The Truth may have the same effect on you.

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Ultimate pleasure can be yours every night, with 365 positions from the most erotic sex guide ever written. From the "Rolling Rapture" to the "Divine Entwine" 365 sexy positions straight from the Kama Sutra promises a year of seriously great sex. Whether you want slow, sensual lovemaking or a quick, orgasmic fix find a position demonstrated for every time, place, and mood in this visual guide. "Divine Moment" suggestions, "Pure Nirvana" techniques, and erotic tips and tricks help you enjoy each sexy position to the full. A sensual, spiritual, physical, erotic, exotic, ecstatic supply of new ideas guaranteed to keep anyone in the bedroom - night after night after night. Use it every day, or just dip in and out when the mood takes you! The ideal gift to spice up your relationship and introduce some new positions to mix up your sex lives!

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Бренд: Нет бренда

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